




1、Alexander Tan

China is not the oldest civilization: Preceding it were the Sumerians (including the other Mesopotamian empires), the Indus Valley, as well as Egypt.However, under the assumption that you mean oldest existing civilization as the longest continually lasting native culture, and the for a civilization to be wiped out is to have its culture drastically changed by foreign powers, then this is why:



As the source told you, China is generally considered the “longest continuous civilisation” in the world today. The earliest uncontroversially attested centralised Chinese polity was the Shang Dynasty in 1500BC. By this point, Egypt was in its 19th dynasty and the peak of its power, so it’s not unfair to say that China was certainly not the first ‘great’ civilisation. It certainly predates the Romans though, and arguably the Classical Hellenistic civilisation as well.


The Chinese civilisation has basically survived unscathed since then, while all the above have been displaced over time. 



That’s true of history.


The cultural history of Egypt is one characterised by change. They were aggressively Hellenised by the Ptolemaic Empire, then just slightly Latinised by the Romans, then Hellenised again by the Byzantines, then fully Arabicised by the Caliphate, then they all switched to Shia under the Fatimids, then they switched back to Sunni, then the Mamluks came with their Caucasian and Transoxianan traditions (which Chaney & Blaydes (2012) argues is the most long lasting economic impact), then they were partially Turkicised by the Ottomans (more architecturally than anything), then the French and Brits came. 


Generally speaking, compared with China’s development, Egyptian civilization has long perished!




Chinese culture from the xia dynasty to present. Where you have had invasions, those invaders have adopted Chinese culture and customs rather than adapting the Chinese to their own. 


I think all this benefits from the strong inclusiveness of Chinese civilization.


2、Kill Bill

@Gwenavere,I agree with you.


Of course the longevity of the Han can and often is exaggerated. Like all peoples, the defining characteristics of the Han have continually evolved and mutated over the years from both indigenous developments and as inputs from surrounding peoples were adopted; the beliefs and culture of the prehistoric “Huaxia” were very different from the second-century “Hanren”, just as the latter’s is very different from the Han of today or even a century ago. 


however, in a comparative sense the Han do show a marked degree of continuousness into the distant past to an identifiably ethnic, linguistic, cultural, political, and to a lesser degree religious predecessor of the Han ethnically. In other words, the natural progression of the ancient Huaxia into the Han of today is visible to an extent more so than almost all other peoples.


I think that thanks to the use of hieroglyphs, he has effectively transcended the differences in language and accent, which is the key to the inheritance of ancient China to this day!



Such is the case!


But the critical difference was that the Chinese script was not dependent on pronunciation like their Roman counterpart, and therefore, even as Han’s regional dialects diverged into unintelligible languages communication across the lands could still be easily maintained through the written word. 


Decrees or books emanating from Beijing would read exactly the same to Chinese living in the coastal Guangdong or the oasis cities of Xinjiang, communication across completely different language families was even possible to a lesser extent when the Koreans and Japanese adopted the Chinese script.


4、Colorful Life

China has a unique philosophical and bureaucratic system, which is a necessary condition for the sustainable operation of the country, but unfortunately, other ancient civilizations that have perished do not seem to have all of this…


5、Long live marijuana

You are so foolish!


om the Chinese parade, we can actually know everything:They pursue collectivism.


Also due to collectivism, difference and specialization were embraced instead of feared, balance and compromises were much preferred over extremes and blind resistance. Add to the fact that the Chinese are pragmatic/agnostic, this makes the Chinese civilization extremely adaptable, absorbing every outside influence that came its way and turn them into part of the Chinese culture itself. It doesn’t just “tolerate”, it “absorbs and grows bigger” from outside influences.


The Chinese were by definition strategic (originated from collaboration of the “strategic/civilized tribes”). Ultimately, the Chinese adapts to and appreciates reality, while many faded civilizations attempted to bend reality to their ideal image. This “humble” attitude allowed the Chinese civilization to not only survive, but grow stronger the longer it survived.



1、Aaron Dodo

China’s geological position makes it the most isolated of the four cradles. 


China’s way over to the east with the world’s largest mountain range blocking it off entirely.So, if Chinese civilization was born in the Mesopotamia, they can not persist to this day!



Apart from China, the desert is located at 30 degrees north latitude. They are isolated from the world under the shelter of high mountains. They should be glad that they did not meet Egypt in the Bronze Age in the Stone Age.



Far away from Egypt, Rome, Greece and Babylon is the most correct choice that Chinese have ever made!


4、My life

Look, when the world becomes a whole, the Chinese people are so vulnerable. In the early stage of civilization, this is disastrous.



1、God bless America

We should be glad that ancient Rome did not meet China, fool! What do you know? When Sparta had only 300 soldiers, China’s war had reached the level of one million!


2、A Walking Man

@My life,I am embarrassed by your vulgarity and ignorance. In fact, until the 18th century, China’s strength also frightened the West.

@My life,你的粗俗无知使我感到难堪。事实上直到18世纪,中国的实力也吓坏了西方。


Compared with our mythological history, Chinese history books are accurate to the historical events of year, month and day, which makes me feel shame and despair! Especially when archaeological discoveries corroborate each other!


Where is our history?






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