

TWZ,Militarywatchmagazine,,interestingengineering, 以及thedefencetimes等多家外媒,纷纷对我兔J-20完整版,即装备WS-15发动机的J-20A战机,进行了集中报道和详细描述。兵器迷为大家整理了近7400字21图的长文(文字内容和图片基本来自外媒,真伪自辩),综合介绍如下。欢迎一阅——
2024年9月9日,TWZ报道:迄今为止对配备WS-15 发动机的J-20A的最佳观察
Our Best Look Yet At China’s J-20A Fighter With WS-15 Engines
The domestically developed turbofans are expected to confer ‘supercruise’ performance on the stealthy Chinese fighter. 
我们刚刚获得了迄今为止最清晰的J-20隐形战斗机视图,该战斗机确定无疑的由WS-15 国产发动机提供动力。虽然此时照片的出现引发了许多疑问,但非常明显:J-20曾经的重大缺陷——动力装置——现在看来已经得到了解决。
We have just gotten our clearest view so far of a Chinese J-20 stealth fighter powered by the definitive WS-15 domestically produced engines. While the appearance of the photo at this point raises a number of questions, it’s meanwhile clear that the significant shortcoming of the J-20 — its powerplant — appears to have now been addressed.
这张照片从周末开始,在社交媒体上广泛传播。它显示了一架序列号为 2052 的 J-20A 原型机在一个未公开地点的跑道上。这很可能是成都制造商的主要测试机场,该机场与其位于同名城市的生产工厂位于同一地点。从这张战斗机的后向视图,可以看到WS-15 双发涡扇动力的尾喷管。飞机涂有特有的黄色底漆,该底漆是在最终表面油漆之前喷涂的。
The photo in question began to circulate widely on social media over the weekend. It shows a J-20A prototype, serial number 2052, on the runway at an undisclosed location. It may well be the manufacturer Chengdu’s main test airfield, which is co-located with its production plant in its namesake city. The fighter is seen from the rear aspect, providing a detailed look at the nozzles for the twin WS-15 turbofans. The aircraft is wearing the characteristic yellow primer that is applied prior to the final paintwork being added.
J-20A 版本,是基本 J-20 的改进单座版,其变化包括:改进的机身线型,重新设计的鼻锥、更深的背脊和略微升高的驾驶舱,以及 WS-15 发动机。机背内的额外空间可能会容纳更多航空电子设备和/或燃料。同时,为新动力修改了发动机进气口,即DSI进气道前缘有一个小凸台,以优化气流。
The J-20A version is a refined single-seat version of the basic J-20, with changes that include a revised fuselage mold line, including a reprofiled nosecone, a deeper spine, and a slightly raised cockpit, as well as provision for WS-15 engines. The additional space in the spine is likely to accommodate additional avionics and/or fuel. The new engines meanwhile require modified engine intakes with a slightly smaller bump (DSI inlet design) at the leading edge, to optimize airflow.
有点令人惊讶的是,这张照片实际上早在2024年7月中旬就出现了,当时它被一个名为 @ItsumiErika1500 的本子帐户发布到社交媒体上。考虑到过往有关兔子军用航空进展消息的扩散速度,这张诈骗花了这么长时间才得到更广泛的传播,反而有些令人费解。
Somewhat surprisingly, the photo actually appeared as early as mid-July, when it was posted to social media by an account with the handle @ItsumiErika1500. Considering the speed with which new developments in Chinese military aviation are picked up, it’s puzzling that this took so long to become more widely distributed.
根据,兔子军事的长期观察员和撰稿人安德烈亚斯·鲁普雷希特 a longtime Chinese military observer and contributor,Andreas Rupprecht的说法,现在普遍认为至少有一部分J-20A原型机已经转移到西安阎良试飞中心另有一些可能已经转移到沧州的飞行试验训练基地。虽然尚未看到相关图像,这些飞机很可能已经被涂成灰色(军用涂装)。
According to Rupprecht, it’s now generally assumed that at least some J-20A prototypes have been transferred to the China Flight Test Establishment at Xi’an-Yanliang and others potentially to the Flight Test and Training Base at Cangzhou. Although not yet seen in imagery, it’s highly likely that these aircraft are already painted gray.
而且要记住实际上——序列号2052战机,早在 2022 年12 月就以底漆黄色出现。因此是不太可能到了2024 年夏天,仍然没有完成最终涂装的。
Bearing in mind that serial number 2052 was seen as long ago as December 2022 in the primer yellow colors, it seems unlikely that it would still not have received its definitive paint scheme by the summer of 2024.
Often it’s the case that higher-quality Chinese aviation photos are released several months or as long as a year after they were taken.
无论这张(2052号战机)的照片是什么时候拍摄的,它肯定提供了对WS-15 涡扇发动机的最佳——即便不是首次——观察。这种发动机有望显着缩小兔子战斗机与最新的西方同类产品之间的差距。
Regardless of when the photo was taken, it certainly provides the best — albeit not the first — look at the J-20A’s WS-15 turbofans, an engine that is expected to significantly reduce the gap between Chinese fighters and their latest Western equivalents.
从 1990 年代 J-20 计划开始,WS-15 的开发就被认为成为项目开发中最具挑战性的部分——只有鹰酱开发出具有类似性能的发动机,而苏联在 AL-41F 计划下的承诺努力在国家解体后不久就失败了
Development of the WS-15 has from the outset of the J-20 program in the 1990s been expected to be the most challenging part of development, with only the United States having developed engines with comparable performances while promising Soviet efforts under the AL-41F program collapsed soon after the state disintegrated. 
对手鹰酱 F119 发动机,花了 25 年多的时间从设计阶段过渡到为鹰酱空军做好准备。
The engine’s protracted development has been typical of such programs, with the rival American F119 engine having taken over 25 years to move from a design stage to readiness for the U.S. Air Force.
而对于兔子,则是在2021年底,J-20进入了全面生产The J-20 entered full scale production in late 2021。
节点2: 2022年1月
2022 年 1 月飞行测试中的 WS-15 图像
Image From January 2022 of WS-15 in Flight Testing
2022 年 12 月,网上出现了序号为 2051战机的照片——这是 J-20A 改型的一个实例。该战机将安装WS-15,即便(在这张照片拍摄时)尚未安装。
In December 2022, images appeared online showing serial number 2051 — an example of the J-20A variant that was expected to get WS-15s if it hadn’t already.
2022 年 3 月,有报道称,一架由 WS-15 提供动力——只安装了一台(另一台仍为WS-10系列动力)的 J-20 已经飞行,这在早期测试中也是很常见做法
As long ago as March 2022, reports said that a WS-15-powered J-20 had flown, although only one of these engines was understood to have been fitted, which is common for early testing.
如前文所说,虽然J-20在 2022年1月首次被看到与(WS-15)发动机一起飞行,此后还有多次目击,但一直到 2年后的2023 年 4 月之前,所有的相关图像质量都很差。The fighter was first seen flying with the engine in January 2022, with multiple further sightings having been made since, although all images before April 2023 were of poor quality and left much to speculation.
节点3: 2023年4月5日
2023年4月,WS-15的批量生产成为现实——据简氏防务周刊报道,兔子航空发动机集团公司AECC旗下北京航空材料研究所项目主任张勇,在 2023年 3月的一次活动中表示。“WS-10 和 WS-15 发动机的批量生产和交付,已经实现”。张补充说,WS-15是在其研究所从“技术角度”“解决所有瓶颈”之后进行批产的,材料筛选和验证已经完成
“The mass production of WS-10 and WS-15 engines delivery has been achieved,” Zhang Yong, a project director at the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, part of the state-owned Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC), said at an event in March 2023, according to a report from Janes. Zhang added that WS-15 serial production came after his institute “tackled all bottlenecks” from “a technical point of view.Materials screening and verifications have been finalised” 。 
First Clear Look at China’s J-20 Stealth Fighter Testing Revolutionary WS-15 Engine
2023年4 月 5 日的第一张图片发布,清楚地显示了J-20 第五代战斗机飞行测试下一代WS-15发动机。虽然已确认J-20 原型机一直在对 WS-15 进行飞行测试,但现在已知该飞机是第二架(测试WS-15的)原型机——机身编号 2012。其他原型机是否也被用于 WS-15 的飞行测试仍不确定。从 2012 年 10 月到 2015 年 11 月,出现了六架 J-20 原型机,在这些原型机之前,从 2010 年 12 月开始出现的是两架技术演示机。
On April 5 the first images were published clearly showing the J-20 fifth generation fighter flight testing WS-15 next generation engines. While it was confirmed that a J-20 prototype has been flight testing the WS-15 it is now known that the aircraft is the second prototype – airframe number 2012. Whether other prototypes have also been used to flight test the WS-15 remains uncertain. Six J-20 prototypes appeared from October 2012 until November 2015, with these having been preceded by two technology demonstrators which appeared from December 2010.
2012号J-20 原型机装 WS-15 发动机进行飞行测试
J-20 Prototype 2012 Flight Testing WS-15 Engine
到2023 年 6 月,一架序号为 2052 的J-20A安装了双发 WS-15 发动机进行飞行,从此试飞的照片和视频越来越多地开始在社交媒体上流传。
As we reported at the time, a J-20A — serial number 2052 — was reportedly flying with WS-15 engines installed as of June 2023, when photos and videos reportedly from the test flight increasingly began to circulate on social media.
2023年6月29日,TWZ报道:兔子J-20 战斗机可能已经装备期待已久的WS-15 发动机进行了飞行
China’s J-20 Fighter With Long-Awaited WS-15 Engines May Have Flown
有迹象表明,配备 WS-15双发动力的歼-15 隐形战斗机成功试飞,这将在多个层面上是一项重大且期待已久的发展。
Signs point to a successful test flight of a J-20 stealth fighter with two WS-15 engines would be a major and long-awaited development on multiple levels.
The flight is said to have taken place yesterday.
兔子军事航空专家、TWZ撰稿人安德烈亚斯·鲁普雷希特Andreas Rupprecht在观看了据报道的试飞片段后在 Twitter 上写道“当我看到那段视频时,这是我的第一印象之一,它(WS-15)的声音与 WS-10C 不同,更像是沉闷、深沉的隆隆声”。
“What I find interesting is, when I saw that video it was one of my first impressions, the sound is different to a WS-10C, more of a dull, deep rumble,” Andreas Rupprecht, a Chinese military aviation expert and contributor to The War Zone, wrote on Twitter after watching a clip of the reported test flight.
这架由 WS-15 提供动力的战机,在飞行结束后受到了特别关注——图片显示了一个横幅,其中还可以看到数字 15
Pictures of the reportedly WS-15-powered jet after the conclusion of its flight do show it receiving special attention. One image also shows a banner where the number 15 is visible, as well. 
在兔子互联网传播的质量较低的J-20A 照片机身序号为2052
An earlier and lower-quality photo of J-20A serial number 2052. Chinese internet via X
J-20 是否配备 WS-15 的最简单方法是仔细观察排气尾喷管。The easiest way to tell for sure that the reportedly re-engined J-20 has WS-15s would be to get a close look at the exhaust nozzles.由于以WS-15为动力的J-20A ,其第一张图像质量很差。排气尾喷管被遮挡,很难最终确定飞机是否真的配备了新发动机,或者还是保留了之前的 WS-10 系列涡扇发动机。
The first imagery of the J-20A under WS-15 power was of poor quality, with the exhaust nozzles obscured, making it hard to determine conclusively if the aircraft actually had the new engines, or if it retained the WS-10-series turbofans previously fitted.
而本文开头这张照片,则非常清晰表明——J-20使用的就是WS-15发动机 J-20 stealth fighter powered by the definitive WS-15 domestically produced engines
同时,最初的 J-20 原型机和最初的生产机型,是由大毛制造的 AL-31 涡扇发动机提供动力。
Meanwhile, the original J-20 prototypes and initial production examples were powered by Russian-made AL-31 turbofans.
也就是说,从 2016 年底开始,兔子使用大毛 AL-31FM2 发动机向兔子空军交付批量生产的J-20,随后从 2019 年年中开始被 WS-10C 取代。With serial production J-20s being delivered to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force from late 2016 using stopgap Russian AL-31FM2 engines, which were subsequently replaced by the WS-10C from mid 2019。 
WS-15 被称为J-20的“终极形态”,并且是该飞机从项目一开始就打算集成的动力装置。
The WS-15 has been referred to as bringing the fighter to its “ultimate form” and was the powerplant the aircraft was intended to integrate from the very beginning of the program.
WS-15源于 1990 年代开始的开发,但对其确凿的事实知之甚少。到目前为止,还从没有公开展示该发动机的照片或视频,甚至没有全尺寸模型。曾有报道称,该发动机原型能够在加力燃烧产生至少 36,000 磅16.33吨的推力,最终目标是实现 40,000 磅18.14吨的推力
As for the WS-15, this is understood to stem from development begun in the 1990s, but few hard facts are known about it. So far, no photos or videos showing the engine, or even a full-scale mockup have appeared in public. However, it has been reported in the past that prototypes of the engine were capable of producing at least 36,000 pounds of thrust with afterburner, with the ultimate aim of achieving a thrust rating of 40,000 pounds.
与此相比,WS-10的最大推力等级为 加力燃烧推力32,00014.52吨 35,000 磅。15.88吨
This compares favorably with the most powerful versions of the WS-10, which are reportedly in the 32,000 to 35,000-pound maximum thrust class, with afterburning. 
配备 WS-10C 发动机的 J-20
J-20 with WS-10C Engines
有趣的是,虽然WS-10改型已经开发了带有推力矢量喷管改型,但 WS-15 至少在目前只有标准喷管
Interestingly, while variants of the WS-10 with thrust-vectoring nozzles have been developed, the WS-15, at least in its current form, features a standard nozzle.
总之,WS-15 给 J-20A 带来的主要优势是更大的动力——比WS-10 至少多出 40001.81吨的推力。
Overall, it appears that the primary advantage the WS-15 is bringing to the J-20A is more power — at least 4,000 pounds more thrust than each of the WS-10s used in earlier examples of the fighter. 
从后方看到配备 WS-10 动力的J-20
A WS-10-powered J-20 seen from the rear
虽然关于WS-15的燃油效率和维护要求依然存疑,尤其是它的大修间隔时间尚不确定,但其带来关键推力优势,使(J-20A)可以获得远高于1马赫的超巡能力,很可能会推动J-20A 进入精英战斗机的群体。这对J-20 预期执行的任务非常重要,比如在任务剖面中更快地到达战位的能力,以及增加其限。 WS-10C 仅仅提供了在加力燃烧下低超音速的能力
While questions may remain about the fuel efficiency and maintenance requirements of the WS-15, especially its time between overhauls, the key advantage it brings seems to be one of thrust, which may well propel the J-20A into the elite group of current fighters that can supercruise well above Mach 1. This would be especially important for the kinds of missions the J-20 is expected to execute, including conferring an ability to get places faster in a dash profile, as well as likely increase its ceiling.WS-10C provided the ability to reach only low supersonic speeds without afterburners
五角大楼在其 2023年关于兔子军事力量报告中表示,预计J-20 的升级将包括通过 WS-15 发动机的超级巡航能力,以及增加内部导弹挂载能力。
In its 2023 China Military Power report, the Pentagon said it expected that upgrades for the J-20 would include a supercruise capability via WS-15 engines, as well as increased internal missile carriage.
WS-15发动的性能提升可能意味着——J-20A 产生的推力比 F-22 猛禽更大,而后者 是目前唯一可在前线广泛服役的可比第五代战斗机。
Potentially, this performance boost could mean the J-20A produces more thrust than the F-22 Raptor, the only comparable fifth-generation fighter currently in widespread frontline service today. 
F-22由两台普惠Pratt & Whitney F119提供动力,在加力燃烧时产生约35,000磅15.88吨推力
The F-22 is powered by two Pratt & Whitney F119s that each produce around 35,000 pounds at full afterburner.
F-22 以其速度而闻名,包括其“超巡”能力——这意味着它可以在不使用加力燃烧室的情况下能够以超音速持续飞行兵器迷注:这种超音速巡航的时间大约最长为30分钟,即飞行1000公里,并且可以满载内部武器
The F-22 is renowned for its speed, including its ability to ‘supercruise’ — meaning it can fly at supersonic speeds for sustained periods without the use of afterburners, and with a full load of internal weapon. 
一架鹰酱空军 F-22飞越太平洋阿拉斯加联合靶场综合体
A U.S. Air Force F-22 over the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex
而用于F-35A和C的Pratt & Whitney F135,加力推力43,000磅(19.50吨),但这些战机只有一个引擎。The afterburning versions of Pratt & Whitney F135 used on the F-35A and C variants are rated up to 43,000 pounds, but those aircraft only have one engine. 
不过,F-22 使用的航空电子设备比J-20 或更新的单引擎 F-35 旧得多,2009 年服役后不到四年,就下达了终止生产的命令。F-22于 2023 年开始提前从空军退役。
The F-22 uses avionics much older than those of the J-20 or the newer single engine F-35 and due to a range of issues saw orders given to terminate production given less than four years after it entered service in 2009 with a very early retirement from the Air Force beginning in 2023.
第三年:确实,从2021年开始,鹰酱军方就一直设法将32架(一说33架)早期生产的Block 20版本的F-22战机在2023年提前退役(机体寿命还不足20年,距离35年左右的使用上限还差15年+,但因为版本太老无法升级)。但鹰酱国会监督机构——美国政府问责局Government Accountability Office,GAO,一直对此坚决反对,因此提前退役一事至今尚未最终落听。
F-22 计划缺点,使 J-20 在同代重型(双发)战斗机系列中——没有真正的竞争对手
The F-22 program’s significant shortcomings have left the J-20 without a serious competitor in the heavyweight fighter range among aircraft of its generation.
The J-20 — specifically the J-20A — may represent the state of the art in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), but U.S. officials have otherwise moved to downplay the level of threat it presents.
鹰酱空军上将、太平洋空军司令肯尼斯·威尔斯巴赫 Kenneth Wilsbach在 2022 年 9 月宣称:“这不会让人睡不着觉的”。“当然,我们正在密切关注它们歼-20A,看它们如何发展如何运作。”
“It’s not anything to lose a lot of sleep over,” U.S. Air Force Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, head of Pacific Air Forces, the service’s top command in the Indo-Pacific region, told reporters in September 2022. “Certainly, we’re watching them closely and seeing how they develop and how they operate them.”
鹰酱空军上将、太平洋空军司令肯·威尔斯巴赫 Ken Wilsbach在 F-22 的驾驶舱中
U.S. Air Force Gen. Ken Wilsbach, Pacific Air Forces commander, in the cockpit of an F-22
兵器迷注:太平洋空军司令肯尼斯·威尔斯巴赫Kenneth Wilsbach将军的这番话,不由得让想起2022 年 3 月,歼-20 和 F-35 首次相遇后,他赞扬了歼-20的作战能力,特别强调了其值得称道的指挥和控制系统。
In March 2022, the J-20 and F-35 encountered each other for the first time. Following this encounter, General Kenneth Wilsbach, the head of Pacific Air Forces, lauded the operational capabilities of the J-20, particularly emphasizing its commendable command and control systems.
肯尼斯·威尔斯巴赫的话虽如此,鹰媒自己也不得不承认——(WS-15)引擎装机的确定性,可能会使鹰酱对此类即兔子空战能力)的评估在一定程度上进行重新校The addition of the definitive engines might see assessments of this kind recalibrated somewhat.
J-20 换发,并不是兔子唯一进行的飞机能力扩展计划比如双座J-20B 现在也在进行测试长期以来J-20B一直认为是无人机控制,增加后座使其更适合这项任务,并将在当前的第五代战斗机平台中竖立一个特立独行的小众优势。
At the same time, re-engining the J-20 is not the only program underway to expand the aircraft’s capabilities.The two-seat J-20B is also now being tested and TWZ has long posited that one of its roles will be as a drone controller. The addition of a back-seater would make the J-20 better suited to this task and would also carve out a unique niche for it among current fifth-generation fighter platforms. 
无论是否是兔子人的有意为之,以 WS-15 为动力的J-20A 在很大程度上是公开的。当它作为兔子空军令人印象深刻的现代化转型标志之一,出现在 PLAAF 部队中时,我们可以预期:将在未来更频繁地看到这型飞机。
Whether a deliberate move on the part of the Chinese or not, the WS-15-powered J-20A is very much out in the open. We should now expect to see the aircraft more regularly, especially as it continues to populate PLAAF units as part of the air arm’s impressive modernization drive.
长期以来,开发现代高性能喷气发动机,一直是兔子航空航天产业的致命弱点。许多核心机型长期以来一直依赖大毛提供的发动机。但这已经成为过去,所有关键的前线战斗机型,现在都实现了以国产设计和生产的引擎来提供动力。兔子来说,WS-15 的成熟反映了兔子航空发动机行业的重大进步
Perhaps just as important, for China, is the fact that the maturation of the WS-15 also reflects major advances in the country’s aero-engine industry. Developing modern high-performance jet engines had long been the Achilles’ heel of China’s aerospace output. Many key types had long relied on Russian-supplied engines, but this is now a thing of the past. All key frontline combat types are now powered by engines of domestic design and production.
其实,鹰酱空军参谋长查尔斯·布朗将军 Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown,就J-20对鹰军的影响发表的一段评论,才是鹰酱更加现实的心态表述——
“我们不会因为J-20而失眠”是——“如果我们自己不进行现代化改,那么可能会因此而失眠So, we don’t lose sleep about the J-20,” but “if we don’t modernize, then there’s probably the potential to lose sleep”


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