
Feel like I have never encountered people who were as inconsiderate of others as I have encountered in this city我觉得在这座城市里,我从未遇到过体谅他人的人
Between the people yelling. Blocking the escalator. Honking the horn to try and force you out of the way at a red light. Sending messages outside of work hours. Just generally behaving like a-holes, I don’t understand why people say things like this is a collective society. There is something to be said about following a queue and saying excuse me when you run into someone, and generally being considerate of others. I feel like Shanghai is the city where people are the least considerate of others that I have ever seen. There is no consideration for others here.
Someone’s having a China day
Perhaps stay away from Henan for now
Bro, using reason isn’t going to work here. The faster you accept that, the better off you’ll be. If you find yourself unable to, then this probably isn’t the place for you.
I know that after living here during Covid, and I’ve been living here for 5 years now. I’m probably still pretty pissed about that to be honest? Maybe make it hard for me to look past how dysfunctional everything feels here all the damn time.
在 Covid 期间住在这里让我明白了这一点,而且到目前为止我已经在这里住了 5 年了。老实说,我可能还在对那段时间耿耿于怀。也许这让我很难忽视这里的一切曾经给人的感觉是多么的不正常。
Have you been out of Shanghai in those 5 years?
Shanghai is already one of the more “civilised” parts of the country, so I don’t know what you would think in other cities. (Having said that, Shanghai is full of people from elsewhere.)
Lean into it. I am now one of the crazy bastards on a scooter and have even gotten fined twice (not including the warnings)
I have no idea where you’re from or where you’ve been, but having friends back in my developed country who can’t walk alone in certain areas for fear of assault, some jostling on the subway and (as I write this comment a bao’an just did this) loud spitting is so low on my list of grievances in life.
Go to r/vietnam or r/thailand and you hear the same grievances.
去 r/vietnam 或 r/thailand 也能听到同样的不满。
Up until a few weeks ago, I worked in the Gary, Indiana area. I’d take the spitting grannies and getting nudged on the subway any day of the week.
Say what you want about the Chinese sometimes having a penchant of living in their own little world, at least the urban areas are safe and you won’t be stabbed/shot for being in the wrong place.
I’d venture to say that it’s kind of silly to make sweeping statements about everywhere else, based on your experience in one city. That sounds like a C.. talking point
I’ve lived in or worked in Gary, Indiana; Mesa, Arizona; Louisville, Kentucky; and Seattle, Washington.
I’ve also delivered shit as an over-the-road truck driver everywhere from Philly, to Brooklyn, to LA. Urban centers in the US are generally fairly unsafe. Chinese cities, all their other faults and flaws included, are inherently safer.
This isn’t a ‘C.. talking point,’ but a known fact here in the States. I don’t know what argument you’re trying to start, because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.
How would it be possible to know if you are safe in China? What source of info on safety can you reliably trust?
I have eyes to see. That’s how.
Never had a naked crackhead try to open my car door in Hangzhou, but certainly have had that happen in Gary.
The fact people are honestly trying to debate with me that fucking Shanghai is somehow on the same level of crime as Gary, Indiana (all while trying to call me out as some C.. or Global Times shill) pretty much says all I need to know about some of you people.
I just don’t understand what is your point? You experienced that in another country so therefore everyone should just accept that people are rude and inconsiderate here? So you’ve seen some stuff? A crackhead asked you for money? So, yeah, I’ve seen that too, does that mean that I should be grateful and not be bothered by other things? Actually, I also recall some people that were having drug problems being pretty nice to me and asking me for money politely, so what is your point? Were you even here during lockdown?
I was trying to put your complaints about people standing in front of escalators in context of how bad it could be, but since you equate naked men strung out on drugs trying to force their way into cars the same as ‘asking for money,’ that’s obviously a lost cause.
I won’t be responding to you again. You’re either deliberately misinterpreting what I’m saying for e-points or you’re an idiot. I don’t really care to converse with either sort.
No worries, you sound like you’re trying to force a point that is like equating apples to oranges. Isolated incidents of one clearly ill person don’t justify complete blanket statements about the general day to day experience of a place. Seeing as you can’t even comment on the fact of whether or not you were here in 2022, seems like you can’t even give a full understanding to the ugly aspects of this behavior either. I think it’s you, who sounds like the hopeless idiot.
不用担心,听起来你是在强词夺理,就像把苹果和橘子等同起来一样。一个明显有病的人的孤立事件并不能成为对一个地方的总体日常体验发表一概而论的理由。既然你连自己在 2022 年是否来过这里都无法回应,看来你也无法全面了解这种行为的丑陋之处。我觉得你才是那个听起来无可救药的白痴。
Shanghai is much better than Fuzhou in spitting and spitting is better than stabbing. Crime in the U.S. is much worse and he made a legit argument
I sent my 12 year old along on the subways for a couple of miles each Tuesday without worry in Shanghai. Everyone did it if their kid had to stay for violin practice. It was safe as I saw hundreds of other (and younger) unaccompanied kids on the subway too. I would NEVER do that in the US.
在上海,我每周二都会让我 12 岁的孩子独自坐几英里的地铁而不用挂虑。如果孩子们要留下来练习小提琴,每个人都不觉得有什么。这里很安全,因为我在地铁上也看到了数百名其他(更小的)无人陪伴的孩子。在美国,我绝对不会这么做。
Yeah, the subways are exceptionally safe, albeit crowded. You’re just going to get jostled in them; there’s an X amount of space and a Y amount of people. I hate being pressed in like a sardine, but it’s better than taking the Seattle Transit light rail from Capitol Hill to SeaTac and sitting across from a guy obviously out of his gourd on fentanyl or crack.
地铁虽然拥挤,但非常安全。你在地铁里最多只会被挤来挤去;有 X 多的空间,Y 多的人。我讨厌被挤得像沙丁鱼一样,但总比从国会山乘坐西雅图交通轻轨到机场,坐在一个明显嗑了芬太尼或快克的家伙对面要好。
Not just Shanghai but I’m in Toronto and these are the things here too, whether you like it or not, it’s a big city issue
You are absolutely right. Been here for over a decade and my feelings of frustration have never abated. Go elsewhere if you’re not tied down.
You do realize they approached modernity only 30 years ago. The west got several decades more time.
你应该意识到他们 30 年前才接近现代化。西方则多了几十年的时间。
This does not explain the lack of awareness of others. I have been to much poorer countries with far less resources, and they still don’t behave with this level of lack of consideration for other people. I don’t understand why you’re bringing the West into the conversation.
“poorer countries with far less resources”
but they have far less people.
Everything you described is related to how to make yourself “seen” over a crowd.
India has entered the chat
Yeah, I don’t think so, but it seems like you’re gonna go out of your way to try and justify people being disrespectful of others and try to somehow twist it back to me. Also the population is declining here and they actively restrict the types of people they allow to live here in this Tier 1 city. Also, never encountered this in highly dense cities in other neighboring countries of Asia, that also “modernised” not so long ago. So I think it’s probably a problem here!
It’s the size of the population plus the frenetic pace of city life. People complain about the manners of people in New York City too, for example. (Not saying it’s the same level of problems as Shanghai.)
The declining population argument…. this is completely irrelevant. Seriously, do you feel any effects of population change? You absolutely do not.
Not so sure about that. The manners are far, far worse in the countryside. Shanghai has comparatively great behavior.
The population density argument is old, tired and wrong.
Seoul has 4x the population density of Shanghai, Athens 5x, New York 3x.
The population density of England is higher than all but 6 of China’s provinces, and The Netherlands all but 5.
首尔的人口密度是上海的 4 倍,雅典是 5 倍,纽约是 3 倍。
英国的人口密度高于中国除 6 个省以外的所有省份,荷兰的人口密度高于中国除 5 个省以外的所有省份。
You’re comparing China to richer countries. My original quote specifically replying to OP’s comparison of China to “poorer countries with far less resources.” It’s not any single factor in isolation.
By the way, Athens, NYC are not that great either…
Plus, do you have an argument that is not old tired or wrong?
你在拿中国与更富裕的国家作比较。我的原话是专门针对楼主将中国与“资源少得多的穷国 ”相比较而说的。这里需要联系上下文。
You seem bent on hating.
They restrict the people who can get a hukou. Many people don’t get one. If they only allowed “high class” people to live in the city, there wouldn’t be anyone to cook of deliver your waimai.
Out of interest, which countries have you been to then, just to gauge if Shanghai is the ‘worst’?
Because your gauge is more accurate?
Nah if you read it again it says ‘out of interest’
But you’re implying that you know more
To you
Yeah, so you’re full of yourself and I’m not gonna waste my breath on you
Sure, even though you have
Either you like Shanghai or you don’t. Based on your posts about Hanoi and Gay Bros it seems like you like things your way.
No one cares about your experience in Shanghai haha. Good luck
It’s just a different culture. You said you’re from Texas. Maybe in Texas being loud and standing around escalators in a mall is rude, while in China bringing a gun to a mall and shooting people is considered rude.
We need to learn to accept our differences.
Living in Texas does not mean I’m from Texas, or that I’m even American
Not excusing people’s behaviour but here some reasons (all lixed) behind what you described:
People have no time, because time = money
There are way too many people and few resources
Ultra competitive environment – people think if they don’t get their way or take advantage of a particular situation they are gonna lose out
1. 人们没有时间,因为时间=金钱
2. 人多资源少
3. 极度竞争的环境–人们认为,如果不按自己的意愿行事,或在某种情况下占不到便宜,就相当于吃亏了
Why on earth did you think this was gonna be a “collective” society? Who even says that? Does “collective” mean something positive to you?
Welcome to the modern-day wild wild west that is China lol. Just pretend that you’re in Mad Max Road Warrior or something and adapt accordingly.
There is just too many people in Shanghai and life is too fast paced for anyone to have time for niceties. The average peraon juat wants to get thinga done.
But if you genuinely need help people are super helpful and caring. Sounds like you don’t know how to manoeuvre in Shanghai yet.
Ok, so basically every day I’m riding my bike to work some idiot does something that is so dangerous that it’s baffling. I go running at the track and people just walk perpendicular to you while you are running and don’t look. People scream to talk to each other in the apartment upstairs…aren’t people bothered by this shit for themselves?
It doesn’t seem odd if that’s what you’ve grown up with.
My in-laws scream at each other all day, but that’s how they roll. I came home from work one day and could hear them from inside the elevator. Sounded like they were murdering each other. Get inside and find that they’re actually having a joke while they make dinner.
my bet is op hasn’t been to other cities in China
Been to many, but none of them claim to be the Tier 1 International Cities like this place, even I feel people in Beijing, where I also lived, were more considerate of others
I agree with you. Somehow Beijingers and people in smaller cities seem to be more considerate and aware of the public good. It probably won’t surprise you to know that Shanghainese are not well regarded by other Chinese.
I think it’s city people, I’ve noticed similar thing in big cities everywhere.
Chinese people are way more comfortable with being in others personal space, homogeneous society or just culture.
Get noise cancelling headphones and live in your own head, I do it makes 100% the difference
“No texting outside of work hours” is not the universal value you think it is.
Especially since COVID lockdowns. Many people I know overseas complain that it became normal then and that bosses still call or text and expect you to answer regardless of the time.
least considerate of others that I have ever seen
you have not seen much of the world.
Seen plenty, but guess your opinion is more valid?
too young, too naive.
At least should be grateful that no one is pointing a gun at your dame head.