
When Azerbaijan blocked the only road that lixs Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia, Russia was expected to help. But Russian President Vladimir Putin said there are “no problems with Armenia.” Now Armenia is looking away from Russia, and toward the US.当阿塞拜疆封锁了连接纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫和亚美尼亚的唯一道路时,亚美尼亚期望俄罗斯提供帮助。但是俄罗斯总统普京表示,“对亚美尼亚没有意见。”现在亚美尼亚正把目光从俄罗斯转向美国。
No country throughout the last 30 years had been as loyal to Russia as Armenia… As Russia was a large power and was Armenia’s security guarantor… But when the time came to protect Armenia against its stronger enemies, the Russians turned a blind eye. In Sept 2022, Azerbaijan attacked an Armenian city called Jermuk in armenia Proper and took over a large part of the city. Armenia called out to Russia and the CSTO for help but they did not come to the aide. In fact, they called Jermuk “disputed territory”. The US/Europe strongly condemned the incursion and US even sent Nancy Pelosi to Armenia and the hostilities stopped. Russia signed the Nov 9 agreement which stopped the war over Nagorno Karabagh, and was supposed to keep open the Lachin corridor (connecting Armenia to Nk) per signature, which it has failed to do. Russia wants Armenia to become weaker (via attacks from Azerbaijan) so that it desperately joins the Soviet unx 2.0 alongside Belarus…
So the moral of your story is stop being a loyal dog to others and rely on yourself.所以你的故事告诉我们,不要再做对别人忠诚的狗,要依靠自己。
Russia has been trying to persuade Armenia to conclude a peace agreement with Azerbaijan for decades. The Armenians refused to do this and were defeated in the war. Pashinyan recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. The question is closed.几十年来,俄罗斯一直试图说服亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆达成和平协议。亚美尼亚人拒绝这样做,并在战争中被打败。帕希尼扬承认卡拉巴赫是阿塞拜疆的一部分。问题结束了。
You’re first sentence is a lie. The most loyal country to Russia has been Belarus followed by Cuba and Kazakhstan. I understand everyone’s compulsion to make up whatever stories they need to uphold the narrative they worship, that’s the way the world is nowadays.你的第一句话就是个谎言。对俄罗斯最忠诚的国家是白俄罗斯,其次是古巴和哈萨克斯坦。我理解每个人都有冲动去编造任何他们需要的故事来支持他们崇拜的叙事,这就是当今世界的方式。
How is Russia a large power if they can’t defeat Ukraine? We are well past 3 days.如果连乌克兰都打败不了,俄罗斯怎么当大国的? 已经过了三天了。
@bayraktar784 The main-lesson is: Stop beeing loyal to Russia, because Russia won´t be loyal to you.@bayraktar784 主要的教训是:不要再对俄罗斯忠诚了,因为俄罗斯不会对你忠诚。
Lukashenka has always tried to wiggle his way out of Putins power grip, while also relying on Russian guns to keep him in power. I wouldn´t call that “loyal” and its true for most of Russias subject-dictatorships.@wolfswinkel8906 卢卡申科一直试图摆脱普京的权力掌控,同时也依靠俄罗斯的枪炮来维持自己的权力。我不会说这是“忠诚”,对大多数俄罗斯的独裁臣民来说都是如此。
@valkrsk The question is not closed when Azerbaijan then proceeds to blockade and starve the local population of food and medicine. We cannot sit by and tolerate another GENOCIDE.@valkrsk 当阿塞拜疆继续封锁并使当地居民缺乏食物和药品时,问题还没有结束。我们不能对另一次种族灭绝袖手旁观。
@Omega0850 I measure loyalty by the willingness of a country to stick its neck out for you like Belarus did at the UN vote last year. Your unfounded and unverifiable allegations mean nothing in the grand scheme of things so I don’t care much for them.@Omega0850 我衡量忠诚的标准是,一个国家是否愿意为你挺身而出,就像去年白俄罗斯在联合国投票时所做的那样。你那些毫无根据、无法证实的指控在大局中毫无意义,所以我不太在乎。
@bayraktar784 well Russia needs north Korea and Iran@bayraktar784 俄罗斯需要朝鲜和伊朗。
You cry Russia did not fight for Armenia but Armenia itself did not deploy regular army.
Armenia did not fight and yet expect others to do it. Rofl.你哭喊着俄罗斯没有为亚美尼亚而战,但亚美尼亚自己都没有部署正规军。
@jiridrapal7512 Armenia did deploy regular army… Armenia alone was fighting Azerbaijan with full support of Turkey, Pakistan, and Syrian Mercenaries. Armenian fought very bravely, and held out for 44 days considering the odds and the disparity in weapons. Also, we didn’t need Russians to come and fight for us, we needed weapons which we did not receive, and those that they had sold us years prior were junk.@jiridrapal7512 亚美尼亚确实部署了正规军……亚美尼亚独自与阿塞拜疆作战,后者得到了土耳其、巴基斯坦和叙利亚雇佣军的全力支持。亚美尼亚人战斗得非常勇敢,考虑到战况和武器的悬殊,他们坚持了44天。此外,我们不需要俄罗斯人来为我们作战,我们需要的武器没有收到,而他们多年前卖给我们的武器都是垃圾。
Nobody even mentioned that there was decision of the UN international tribunal that demanded Lacin corridor to be opened.甚至没有人提到联合国国际法庭要求开放拉钦走廊的决定。
Or that Azerbaijan already detained o kidnapped medical evacuations by the IRC. Their word means absolutely nothing.或者阿塞拜疆已经拘留或绑架了国际红十字会的医疗撤离人员。他们的话毫无意义。
Long live Ukraine!乌克兰万岁!
That is a move in a very good direction. The Most Cordial Greetings from Poland to Ancient Armenian Nation – Which was the first One to adopt Christianity as Its National Religion!!!这是朝着一个非常好的方向迈出的一步。从波兰到亚美尼亚的最亲切的问候——亚美尼亚是第一个将基督教作为其国教的国家!!
I’m From Iran And USA Is Our Worst Enemy But I am glad that Armenia will not be attacked and People Of Armenia Will be Saved From Another GENOCIDE
The only Good Neighbor we have is Armenia and it’s Good that We Don’t Want To Loss Our Good Neighbor我来自伊朗,美国是我们最大的敌人,但我很高兴亚美尼亚不会受到攻击,亚美尼亚人民将免于另一场种族灭绝。
We love ❤️ Iran我们爱伊朗。
The Friend of my Friend is my Friend ?朋友的朋友就是我的朋友?
You have a dictator of a government brodie. You need to come visit the USA and take a chill pill你有一个独裁者政府,兄逮。你应该来美国看看,冷静一下。
@konnen4518 Nah he can stay in Iran with his fellow jihadists.@konnen4518 不,他还是留在伊朗和他的圣战伙伴们在一起吧。
Who says the USA is Iran’s worst enemy? You can only think so if you are connected to Mullahs. Ordinary people have no adversary against the Americans.谁说美国是伊朗最大的敌人? 只有和毛拉有联系的人才能这么想。普通人不是美国人的敌人。
Azerbaijan and Armenia need to really shake hands and agree to peace and show the world there’s hope .阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚需要真正握手,同意和平,向世界展示希望。
Armenia tries, but Azerbaijian doesn’t want peace. Their dictator (Aliyev) would lose his basis with peace; war and animosity towards Armenia is his platform. He is like Saddam Hussain.亚美尼亚尝试过,但阿塞拜疆不想要和平。他们的独裁者(阿利耶夫)将失去和平的基础;战争和对亚美尼亚的仇恨是他的平台。他就像萨达姆·侯赛因。
Peace can only exist when only 1 man left alive, alone只有一个人独自活着,和平才会存在。
Azeri’s are anything but peaceful..阿塞拜疆人一点也不和平……
@almanac520 :Armenia tries” by occupying 20 per cent of Azerbaijan for 30 years and genociding its people in hodjali and still refuses to leave karabakh which is internationally recognised Azerbaijan territory.@almanac520:“亚美尼亚试过“,占领阿塞拜疆20%的领土长达30年,在霍贾利对其人民进行种族灭绝,并且仍然拒绝离开国际公认的阿塞拜疆领土卡拉巴赫。
@SteveO.. you meant armenians@SteveO.. 你说的是亚美尼亚人吧。
Tell that to Azerbaijan, they’re the aggressor her. Honestly I don’t know what they even want at this point?去跟阿塞拜疆说吧,他们才是侵略者。老实说,我都不知道他们现在想要什么?
@bayraktar784 I mean Azeri’s.. Armenians weren’t the ones cluster bombing civilians in Artsakh@bayraktar784 我说的是阿塞拜疆人……在阿尔察赫集束轰炸平民的人不是亚美尼亚人。
Azerbaijan has Armenias number in war, they just drone strike all their regular troops super easy I heard阿塞拜疆的参战人数比亚美尼亚多,我听说他们用无人机打击所有的正规军,非常容易。
For a very long time France and Germany had been each others arch-enemy. It took many wars, endless negotiations and a great deal of forgiveness for both to be the best of neighbours nowadays. It is possible! Reach out to each other and open your hearts.在很长一段时间里,法国和德国互为头号敌人。经过多次战争、无休止的谈判和大量的宽恕,两国才成为当今最好的邻居。这是可能的! 向彼此伸出援手,敞开心扉。
This is the right choice for Armenia这对亚美尼亚来说是正确的选择。
The hateful negligence with which Azeri officials don’t even try to come up with good talking points is so telling.阿塞拜疆官员甚至不尝试提出好的谈话要点,这种可恨的疏忽很说明问题。
Very sad Russia is abandoning Armenia in favor of Azarbhaijan.
U won’t be able to buy peace with them Putin ji非常遗憾,俄罗斯抛弃了亚美尼亚,转而支持阿塞拜疆。
PM Pansir last years cuddled to NATO. Have NATO help them rofl.潘西尔总理去年与北约亲密接触。让北约帮他们吧,笑的打滚。
@jiridrapal7512 NATO US and Russia are allies@jiridrapal7512 北约,美国和俄罗斯是盟友。
@jiridrapal7512 NATO is a defence alliance.@jiridrapal7512 北约是一个防御联盟。
NATOs only requirements for members is to protect each other and participate in exercises and funding…
Everything else is optional which is why there is usually poor participation in anything outside of defence.
Smart move Armenia.聪明的举动,亚美尼亚。
Suicidal moves.自杀的举动。
Too late.太迟了。
MAGNIFICENT!!!!!! The door to the West is opening while closing on ruzzie. ❤️❤️❤️❤️棒极了!!!通往西方的大门打开,面对俄罗斯的门在关上。
West is decaying西方正在衰败。
Armenia has suffered way too much from the Turks and the Russians.亚美尼亚遭受了土耳其人和俄罗斯人太多的伤害。
You meant they were at the losing ends. Another way of saying they were losers.你是说他们处于失败的一边。这是“他们是失败者”的另一种说法。
@bayraktar784 Small country refusing to be stepped on by its larger neighbors and is turning to the West? Where have we heard that before?@bayraktar784 一个小国拒绝被其更大的邻国踩在脚下,正在转向西方? 我们以前在哪里听说过?
The Turks still haven’t taken responsibility for the GENOCIDE of Armenians土耳其人仍然没有对亚美尼亚人的种族灭绝负责。
@live_free_or_die you can’t take a responsibility of a claim from 1 side based on lies@live_free_or_die 不能为一方基于谎言的主张承担责任。
How exactly have they suffered from the Russians?俄国人到底给他们带来了什么苦难?
Russia twice stopped Azeri advancing in their wars.
Oh yeah Russia makes Armenia suffer rofl.俄罗斯在他们的战争中曾两次阻止阿塞拜疆进军。
@bayraktar784 ….it must take co-ordination to type and goose step at the same time.@bayraktar784 一边打字一边走鹅步,肯定很需要协调性。
A good report, once again又是一份好报道。
Armenia needs Russia since Russia is the superpower in region, but at the same time Armenia has to think of itself and not expect others to fight for the land Armenia itself has not recognized as its own. It’s always easier to put blame on somebody else (especially when that “somebody” is Russia). It would be foolish for Armenians to believe that the US or EU genuinely care about Armenia and are not just trying to weaken Russia. Don’t let anyone to use you as a pawn (be that Russia or USA) and turn that great country into the next Ukraine.
I’m saying this as an ethnic Armenian whose ancestors were from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).亚美尼亚需要俄罗斯,因为俄罗斯是该地区的超级大国,但与此同时,亚美尼亚必须为自己着想,不要指望别人为亚美尼亚自己不承认的土地而战。把责任推到别人身上总是更容易(尤其是当这个“人”是俄罗斯的时候)。如果亚美尼亚人认为美国或欧盟真的关心亚美尼亚,而不是试图削弱俄罗斯,那将是愚蠢的。不要让任何人把你当作棋子(不管是俄罗斯还是美国),从而把那个伟大的国家变成下一个乌克兰。
@jmatt98 Somehow the emoji-to-word ratio gives away what an “intellectual titan” you truly are. Fascinating.@jmatt98 不知何故,表情符号与文字的比例暴露了你真正的“智力巨人”。有意思。
Curious, do you even live in Armenia or another country? Most Armenia I know in the U.S. love it here 100 times better than living in Armenia. None of them ever went back and got U.S. citizenship.好奇,你住在亚美尼亚,还是其他国家? 我在美国认识的大多数亚美尼亚人都喜欢这里,比住在亚美尼亚好100倍。他们都没有回去,并获得了美国公民身份。
@zeroinfinity9189 Nothing I said/wrote has anything to do with regular Armenias living in the US (or any other foreign country for that matter) and getting along with the locals. But that has nothing to do the country of Armenia and people living THERE.@zeroinfinity9189 我所说/所写的与生活在美国(或任何其他国家)的普通亚美尼亚人以及与当地人相处如何无关。因为那与亚美尼亚这个国家和居住在那里的人们没有任何关系。
The Chinese, Russians, Iranians also live in the US and may be happy there but that doesn’t mean that they somehow represent what most people think in whatever country they are originally from. What’s probably even more naïve is to think that their presence in the US is going to affect the policy of their new home vis-à-vis the place they used to call their home (even if the whole population of Armenia moves to the US it won’t be enough to make a difference).
I don’t live in Armenia (though I’ve been there several times).
The Azeri Huseynov is a lying clown. And not a good one at that.
The fact that DW reporter couldn’t go to karapagh is proof that road is blocked.阿塞拜疆人胡塞诺夫是个撒谎的小丑。而且做得不太好。
India has become one of the major defense supplier of Armenia in recent times and India supports Armenia印度最近成为亚美尼亚的主要国防供应国之一,印度支持亚美尼亚。
Rip Armenia lol亚美尼亚安息吧,哈哈。
@bolsa3136 pain is real so cry@bolsa3136 很痛苦吧,所以哭吧。
Those Arjun tanks will do them wonder.那些阿穷坦克会给他们创造奇迹。
We welcome Armenia into the West.欢迎亚美尼亚人进入西方。
You need another Ukraine puppet again to fight Russia你们需要另一个乌克兰傀儡来对抗俄罗斯。
@diegomorata2885 No but nothing really should stop them from helping the Ukrainians out and aiding in it’s victory. Russia was seen begging to NK isn’t that funny?@diegomorata2885 不,但没有什么能阻止他们帮助乌克兰人,帮助乌克兰取得胜利。有人看到俄罗斯向朝鲜乞讨,这不是很有趣吗?
I only saw the end of this video so if I’m not mistaken basically Abidjan has blocked the road from Albania to the disputed area Nairobi-Caracas, not allowing humanitarian aid to go through, so Albania is turning away from Croatia and towards The United States of Africa. Am I correct?我只看了这个视频的末尾,如果我没看错的话,基本上阿塞拜疆封锁了阿尔巴尼亚通往有争议地区奈洛比-卡拉卡斯的道路,不允许人道援助通过,所以阿尔巴尼亚正从克罗地亚转向非洲合众国。我说的对吗?
They say that aghdem road is open but I don’t see trucks moving. What a clown huseynov.他们说阿格德姆路是开放的,但我没有看到卡车在移动。胡塞诺夫真是个小丑。
And limited security checkpoints? haivan. Even the DW reporter couldn’t go through your purported “limited security checkpoint”.
还有有限的安全检查站? 狗屁。就连德国之声记者都无法通过你所谓的“有限的安全检查站”。
I don’t see how people can choose land over life我不明白人们怎么会选择土地而放弃生命。
At this rate Russia is gonna make everyone in Europe joining NATO and they only have themselves to blame for it.照这样下去,俄罗斯会让所有欧洲国家都加入北约,他们只能怪自己。
3:50 look at how many times the Azerbaijan rep is blxing nonstop and anxious- this is a big clue he could be lying or he knows what hes saying is bs as he doesn’t buy it himself3:50看看阿塞拜疆代表眨了多少次眼睛,而且面带焦虑——这是一个很大的线索,他可能在撒谎,或者他知道自己在鬼扯,因为他自己都不相信。
Russia has a military base in Gyumri, Armenia,so there can be used to harm Armenia together with Türkis and Azeris.俄罗斯在亚美尼亚的Gyumri有一个军事基地,所以他们可能用那里与土耳其和阿塞拜疆人一起伤害亚美尼亚人。
Armenia can’t completely depend of US,what has been happened in Afghanistan and Syria,we have examples.
INDIA is Great Friend of Armenians ❤.
Maybe Armenia and Azerbaijan should work out a peace treaty between them and realize that Russia is not their friend or ally! They are in this for themself and care nothing for these two small countries on their southern border.也许亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆应该制定和平条约,并意识到俄罗斯不是他们的朋友或盟友! 他们只关心自己,对南部边境的两个小国毫不关心。